Panama continues to be one of the top emigration destinations in the world due to its many opportunities for expatriates and the great quality of life that it offers for people who choose to enjoy their retirement in this country. One of the characteristics of Panama is that it offers to those interested in obtaining a permanent residency or even a Panamanian cedula in the easiest ways.


Panama continues to be one of the top emigration destinations in the world due to its many opportunities for expatriates and the great quality of life that it offers for people who choose to enjoy their retirement in this country. One of the characteristics of Panama is that it offers to those interested in obtaining a permanent residency or even a Panamanian cedula in the easiest ways.


This visa must be requested by persons with citizenship of those countries that do not have permission to enter the country with a simple tourist card (Passport). The National Immigration Service will issue a tourist visa valid for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days as long as the applicant complies with the requirements.


  • Filled application form for a tourist visa in Panama.
  • Original and  copy of passport valid for at least three (3) months prior to expiration.
  • Reservation of return ticket certified by the issuing airline, by ticket or electronic ticket.
  • Copy of the ID or residence card of the country where the applicant resides.
  • Three (3) photographs.
  • Payment of $50.00 for the immigration department at the time of submitting the application to the visa.
  • Proof of financial solvency during the time of stay in Panama for a minimum of $500.00.
  • Sample of the activities that the tourist will carry out in Panama.
  • Confirmed hotel reservation (If applicable)
  • Affidavit of the person who invites you.

Retirees or people with lifetime pensions may qualify for the Panama Pensioner Visa. The paanamanian pensioner visa allows foreigners to obtain a permanent residence in Panama under the condition of having guaranteed pension income for life. According to the national Immigration service of Panama, there is no minimum or maximum age to qualify under this modality, it will only be necessary to submit a series of requirements listed below.

  • Five (5) photos
  • Passport
  • Letter of retirement, from government office, stating the monthly income for life, The applicant’s lifetime pension income must be a minimum of One Thousand ($ 1,000) US Dollars per month.
  • Federal criminal record
  • Good health certificate issued in Panama
  • Sworn declaration form, fully answered and signed

If the applicant is applying with his or her spouse, an additional US $250.00 in the monthly income are required. The spouse must submit all of the above requirements with the exception of the pension letter. The marriage certificate (valid only for 6 months) must also be added to the application.

Benefits of this visa:

50% discount anywhere in the country in entertainment venues such as: Movie Theaters, Concert Halls, Sports Events, etc.
30% discount on bus, boat and train fares.
25% discount on air ticket rates.
50% discount on hotel stays from Monday to Thursday.
30% discount on hotel stays from Friday to Sunday.
25% discount in restaurants.
15% discount in fast food restaurants.
15% discount on hospital bills (in cases where insurance does not apply)
10% discount on prescription drugs.
20% discount on medical consultations.
15% discounts on dental and eye exams.
20% discount on professional and technical services.
50% discount on home loan closings.
25% discount on utility bills.
15% discount on loans made in your name.
1% less in mortgages for housing used for personal residence.


This visa has been created in order to increase the volume of immigrants in the country, coming from certain countries that have good diplomatic and commercial relations with Panama. But as of August 2021 the process to obtain a residency through the FNV has changed.

Now this visa is only limited to be requested by people who have a work contract in Panama or have an investment of more than $200,000 in the country. In case you have not read our article about how to obtain this visa in an easier way, we recommend you to visit us here.

The following is a list of countries whose citizens can apply for this visa:

  • Andorra
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Great Britain
  • Greece
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Paraguay
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Republic of Korea
  • San Marino
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • Uruguay
  • USA

Panama has a unique and environmentally friendly immigration visa program that allows foreigners to invest in reforestation projects certified by the government, in exchange for a permanent residence visa in the country.

In order to qualify for a Panama immigration permanent residence visa, the foreigner must invest a minimum of $ 80,000 dollars in a reforestation project that is certified by the Panamanian government.


Panama created a temporary visa for remote foreign workers that seeks to attract “extended stay” tourists and digital nomads, as part of the strategy to reactivate the economy in the country.

With this program for digital nomads, all teleworkers, freelancers and digital entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to work from the beautiful locations of Panama, along with its idyllic beaches, skyscrapers, nightlife, picturesque streets and colonial spaces.


  • Fill out the corresponding form in which it is mentioned that the applicant assumes the costs of return or repatriation to his/her country of origin or destination, if necessary.
  • Three passport size photographs.
  • Copy of the medical insurance of the applicant which must be valid in Panama and during the time of stay of the person.
  • Proof of the existence of the foreign company in the place where it is registered.
  • Letter on company letterhead, signed by the legal representative, where it is mentioned the applicant’s general data, positions, and functions, monthly income, work modality (remote), the commitment to assume the expenses of return or repatriation in case of being necessary.
  • Sworn declaration of non-acceptance of a job or service offered in the national territory.

Since 1966 there is a special signed treaty in Panama called “treaty of mutual friendship, trade and navigation between the republic of Panama and the republic of Italy”, this treaty grants Italians the freedom to establish businesses in Panama, without having to apply for other visas such as the investor’s visa. The Italian citizen will be able to request the permanent residence permit in Panama and after 5 years, this applicant will be able to get a Panamanian citizenship.

In order to apply for this type of Permanent Residence Permit, the Italian citizen must present:

  • Power of Attorney and Application (notarized).
  • Three (3) photographs.
  • Copy of passport.
  • Criminal record.
  • Health certificate.
  • Document that demonstrates the purpose to establish your residence in Panama (economic or professional activity to be carried out).
  • Copy of the identity document or Italian residence card. (ID)
  • Proof that the resident has sufficient financial solvency, which may be accredited by a bank certification or account statement for the last month that reflects a balance of at least four average figures.

In Panama there are more than 100 ways to obtain a visa or residency. For the reader’s information we will leave a list which you can look up in Panama’s immigration page or you can write to us for more information.

  • Self solvency visa Panama
  • Married with Panamanian visa
  • Qualified investor in Panama
  • Parents of Panamanian children
  • Panama missionary visa
  • Panama student visa
  • Among others.

If you are interested in immigrating to Panama or need help with the visa application process, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our immigration lawyers will advise you in the best way.

If you are interested in immigrating to Panama or need help with the visa application process, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our immigration lawyers will advise you in the best way.

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